by Win Wenger
Published 1992
ISBN 9810040032
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Let learning become again for you the lusty joy it once was
Gain years of proficiency in only days, by any of eight new systems of Socratically based accelerated learning—eight systems which are different from each other and different also from recent forms that may be more familiar.
These are not systems of memorization, but of true understanding and creative command of the field, topic or skill. They are least useful in memorization of subjects like foreign languages or rote procedures, but profoundly most useful in areas requiring understanding—the sciences, the creative and performing arts, the humanities, even athletics with their supposedly unteachable kinaesthetic and sensori-motor understandings.
Our work has been extensively referenced by Ostrander and Schroeder, Bry, Parnes and many others. You can now obtain it directly from its source. Step-by-step guided instructions are given to eight different systems for profoundly enhancing and accelerating learning, in our main education-related work by Win Wenger, Ph.D., Beyond Teaching and Learning.
In my own experience with Wenger’s contributions, everything I’ve tried has been first rate, and many are “high leverage” methods which achieve well beyond what would be expected for the effort expended…. Win Wenger gives us new and effective ways of harnessing the brain…. Try’em, your students will love ’em!
—Charles P. Reinert, professor of physics, Southwest State University, Marshall, Minnesota: a review of Beyond Teaching and Learning for the Journal of the Society for Accelerative Learning and Teaching
Wenger’s Beyond Teaching and Learning provides us with an absorbing and detailed guide into unused mental capacities that most of us are hardly aware we possess…. certainly the most comprehensive volume so far to focus on what the individual learner can do by her or himself, without special classroom training…… Wenger is concerned that the reader remains active and already working on the brain while the book is being read, not applying advice afterwards….. the range and plain common sense of most of the work ensures enough options for any individual ready to give the approach a fair try.
— John Driscoll, Ph.D, professor at Golden Gate University in San Francisco: a review for The Strait Times in Singapore
30 years of research and writing on accelerated learning in this attractive book of easy-to-use perceptual and cognitive enhancement lessons. …..Powerful techniques… great detail and include specific examples….. Gifted children and their teachers will benefit from studying and applying these lessons developed by one of the few remaining “Renaissance Men” of American education.
— Dr. Maurice Fisher, editor-in-chief of Gifted Education Newspage
“Most men stumble over great discoveries,” said Winston Churchill. “But most then pick themselves up and walk away!” Genius lies in recognizing and acting out the brilliant impulses that surge forth constantly from your own unconscious. Win Wenger’s unique “mind technologies” help you draw out these hidden insights.
— SUCCESS Magazine (p. 53, April, 1993)