by Win Wenger, Ph.D.
Winsights No. 82 (April 2005)
Photography by Elan Sun Star
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I had a block in math. I was so poor in math, I prided myself on being the world’s worst at that subject. I flunked freshman math year after year of college. I had clearly an absolute, permanent, life-long block in math.
And then one day, decades later, it took me less than one hour to get rid of that block. And guess what! It turns out I actually have some ability at math and mathematical thinking. I’ve originated mathematical equations in orbital mechanics and in political economy — though I’m no mathematician yet. My work has taken me in other directions, and I’ve been way too busy to learn math as a recreation.
It’s not just me. Over the years I’ve helped a number of people who had such blocks — blocks in writing, blocks in public speaking, one person with a block in typing, couple of people with blocks in painting or drawing. In each case, that insuperable permanent lifetime block took less than one hour to remove, with the procedure described right here below…
And guess what! Most of the people who had had blocks turned out to have some pretty good ability in the very same area they had been blocked in! Several actually appeared to be gifted in the very area they had been blocked in! And that gave me the clue to the problem…
…They had plenty of ABILITY in the area blocked. It wasn’t any lack of ability which had them unable to perform. They had the ability but they had been thwarted, frustrated in its use somewhere along the line. Frustrated — sometimes by having a poor teacher, sometimes by other things. Their relatively high innate ability had been thwarted and frustrated by situations which were not geared to high-level abilities. They had too much going for them to perform at average; performing at higher levels was thwarted; the only thing left was to feel blocked and to perform at lower levels if at all.
Remove that frustration, and your natural abilities can flow and function more effectively, even pleasurably, in the very thing in which you previously felt hopelessly blocked. We have a very simple procedure for removing that frustration…
Reconditioning Stimuli
Articles No. 28 and No. 29 in this Winsights series contain descriptions for several patterns of breathing. Three decades ago we discovered that patterns of breathing not only express what we feel — so that you can know what is going on with someone if you recognize the pattern in which he is breathing — but that patterns of breathing can be used to control and reshape what we are feeling…
….We breathe the way we feel, and we feel the way we breathe.
We have found it very powerful, in relating to both health conditions and emotional state, to use various of these breathing patterns. Your breath, part of your autonomic nervous system, reflexively patterns in response to whatever feeling or condition you are experiencing. Your breath is also a bridge through which you can communicate with the rest of your autonomic system, for you can deliberately breathe in a given pattern in order to bring on the state, condition or feeling which is associated with that pattern.
Thirty-some of these distinctive breathing patterns fall into a desirable grouping known collectively as the Calm-Breathing Patterns. Mostly, we’ve worked with but three or four of these desirable Calm-Breathing Patterns. The two we’ve worked most with are Noise-Removal Breathing, which quite literally removes noise in the physiological and emotional sense, a great clarifier of perceptions and thoughts and state-of-being, and Deliciousness- or Satisfaction-Breathing, which as might be guessed feels very positive.
While we were actively researching this remarkable topic, we were able to identify one hundred seventy-two or so distinct breathing patterns, each expressing, and each able to bring on, their respective emotional or physiological feeling.
We are looking for clinicians willing to learn and experiment with, or even practice, a very powerful form of potential therapy. That is the opposite to aversion therapy. Instead, bothersome situations or injuries past or present are reduced and comfortably re-examined during some minutes of Noise-Removal Breathing and related procedures.
As that pattern of breathing very rapidly and powerfully removes negative feelings, one is soon challenged — with full attention on the noxious stimulus — to let oneself experience all of one’s negative feelings toward that stimulus, exposing those feelings to the removing effects of that breathing pattern.
Soon, even exaggerate such of those feelings as are left in that context, so as to use them up faster. When handled correctly — and unlike other therapies — this entire procedure is wholly comfortable. When all negative feeling in relation to that stimulus is used up, one then switches — with full attention still on the once-noxious stimulus — to deliciousness and/or satisfaction breathing.
When the very positive breathing pattern is associated with the stimulus in question, there is no vacuum into which negative feelings can seep back into and build up, and the whole experiential sector remains positive thereafter.
We think it is also of therapeutic significance that in an extended series of such treatments, of various situations which had at one time been distressing, with the final part of encounter with each of these being a very positive conditioning association, more and more contexts, not just episodes, become very positive in the individual’s life.
To Ensure Best Outcomes
Until such time as we find clinicians willing to explore what appear to be some very profound human benefits, decades after our original discoveries we are now willing to put this information into human service. In this published, self-taught form of the information, we have no direct control over how it is used.
Although it appears to be wholly and profoundly benign, we have to remember that, like nutrients and medicines, if it is powerful enough to help, then it is, under some handlings at least, powerful enough to hurt. So please give special attention not only to how some of these effects are wrought, but to the ways by which the best outcome can be had.
- First of all and foremost, you need to have learned — and practiced three to five hours’ worth — of noise-removal breathing as taught in Winsights Nos. 28-29, in a succession of short segments of five minutes’ to twenty minutes’ length each — not as a treatment but as a good-feeling meditation. This gives you opportunity to strengthen even further the already positive and clarifying good feeling which is associated with that pattern. That will bring this tool to full strength for using physiological pattern and good feeling, later, to recondition matters which had previously been experienced as other than positive. That is important.I know of one individual who tried from the very start to apply noise-removal breathing to recondition his problems, with the result that he instead reconditioned that breathing pattern into feelings of distress. That is rare — indeed, it may have been because he had been messed up from certain other therapies. But why take the chance of weakening such a useful tool or even rendering it useless as he did, when several hours’ worth of good-feeling breathing meditation can bring so much good effect within your reach?
- Second, and also of major importance: when going after initially distressing experiences in your past, work with a live partner. If you don’t, about halfway through your work on that problem you will go to sleep. One of the last-ditch defenses of a distress is that of getting you to nod off rather than finish off that one-time distress.Indeed, throughout the session, you will need someone with you to keep reminding you to keep your noise-removal breathing going, to keep your attention on the experience in question while you’re keeping your noise-removal breathing going, and to remind you once you’ve reached the point where all negative feelings in that context have been used up, to switch to the delights of deliciousness-breathing for a few minutes, still with attention fully on that experience which had once been less than positive for you.Ideally, this is what a clinical therapist should be doing for you, but since none are available and if this is something you need, then a sensible and sympathetic friend working from these instructions is the next best thing. There are a few things which a suitably trained therapist could do to make the procedure go further faster, part of what we would like to convey to a clinician to examine and work with and make clinical report on. In the meantime, a live friend working with you can make all the difference.
Removing Blocks
Unlike other forms of target practice with these breathing procedures, this one is concrete enough, specific enough that you may well be able to perform it successfully even without a partner. (It’s still better with a partner.) You will still need to have practiced an accumulated three to five hours of Noise-Removal Breathing over many shorter episodes, strengthening the pleasure aspects of that pattern of breathing, to make this fully and instantly (over 5-10 minutes) effective for removing life-time blocks like my one-time difficulty with math, and for removing phobias.
For this one, you will also need to accumulate at least a few minutes’ experience in Image-Streaming.
- Picture, in your mind’s eye or imagination, the subject or area of performance you feel blocked in. Picture it symbolically, in the form of an image which can open and shut, an image which somehow represents that subject or area of performance. Examples: if a school subject, perhaps picture the door to the classroom in which that was taught, that door can open and shut. Or the textbook for that subject, its covers to open or close. Typing, or maybe computers, in a case that opens and shuts. Piano with lid or violin in its case. Office door, customer’s door, whatever is appropriate for your subject, and which feels like it has some energy for you.
- Let that object be shut. While looking at that closed object, be noise-removal breathing. Continuing that breathing, while looking at that closed object, let yourself feel those feelings of blockage, frustration or other distress that you associate with that subject or area of performance.
[2-3 minutes.]
- With that object still shut, dig after more of your feelings of frustration or distress or whatever negative feelings you have in association with that subject or area of performance. Expose as many of those feelings as you can to each noise-removing breath, to be swept up and carried away out of your body. Even exaggerate those feelings, to expose more of them and use them up, the faster to be swept up and away…
[1-3 minutes, or until…]
- When all your negative feelings have been exhausted, used up and swept away by your noise-removing breath, find the object in your mind’s eye has opened for you. Don’t open it — just find that when the time comes, it opens spontaneously for you. Continue noise-removal breathing until this happens and even after it happens.
- Once the object is open, go in and play. Play with the concepts of the subject or area of performance, play with its different aspects. If the object remains open after several minutes of this, continue playing and switch to 2-3 minutes of deliciousness breathing. If at some point you’ve hit upon some other layer of negative feeling, just find yourself outside the closed object again until all of that negative has also been exposed and breathed away. Once the object has been stably open for three minutes or longer while you are in there playing (and deliciousness-breathing), you’ve got it made!
- As soon as possible after cleaning up the experience at this level, go in real-time to encounter that subject or area of performance, and enjoy yourself in an experience which hitherto had not been enjoyable to you. Enjoy as richly as possible!
The whole process for removing lifetime blocks and phobias can take as little as ten minutes or as much as 25 minutes. Seems like a worthwhile investment in time and attention…
Beyond Blocks
Obviously, this procedure and others closely similar can be used to correct a good many other issues than just blocks and phobias. Just as one indicator: for the first forty years of my life, I had to wear heavily correcting glasses — real Coke-bottle bottoms — for deep nearsightedness and astigmatism. Then one day, a quarter century ago, I was able to correct my vision and discard forever my glasses, in about 20 minutes.
By this time I had had several years of modest practice of noise-removal breathing, and that breathing pattern was an element in my being able to cure my eyesight that day. Only one element — there were several other processes involved as well — but I don’t think it could have happened without that noise-removal breathing as part of it. The clear vision I have enjoyed ever since has been one of the greater rewards I’ve experienced for the work I have been doing.
People used to be amazed (maybe they still are) when, after hitting their thumb while driving a nail, or getting a burn on the stove, they noise-removal-breathed away the hurt and found that, in just a few minutes, they had also breathed away the injury.
We now understand part of that having to do with the immune system, key elements of which are steered through the body by the electrostatic charge of an injury. The breathing changes that charge and clears away effects which otherwise would be in the way of the rapid healing which used to be natural to the human body before civilization imposed other effects.
What you have seen here — and in Winsights articles Nos. 28 and 29 — is a small part of a set of resources which can be, and should be, in extensive human service. We don’t know what are the upper limits, if any, of its useful and beneficial application.
Within closer range, we have published here one form of use which should enable many people to free themselves from blocks and phobias and to make their lives much more rewarding. If you happen to be one of those who find something here useful to you, so much the better.