A partial list of authors and programs that have incorporated Win Wenger’s work
Somewhere between 12 and 20 books have been written by different authors and programs presenting, usually with appropriate credits, one or several of our procedures. Here are some of them:
[NOTE: where possible, we link to a live-as-of-2024 source for the book or article. Not always possible.]
Tim Hurson, Think Better: An Innovator’s Guide to Productive Thinking, describes Win Wenger’s Windtunneling in Chapter 5, “The Miracle of the Third Third” and cites Discovering the Obvious and The Einstein Factor in the bibliography.
Spencer Westwood, Beyond Bedroom Guitar, a book about improving your guitar playing using various NLP, DHE, Accelerated Learning and Hypnotic techniques, and asked to include Image Streaming — Improvitaping — Borrowed Genius.
Juanita Weaver, “Eyes Wide Shut”, a fine article about Windtunnel in Entrepreneur Magazine, July 2003.
Adelaide Bry wrote extensively on our work from the mid-1970s, in her excellent book Visualization: Directing The Movies of Your Mind, in various editions.
Dr. Sidney J. Parnes, THE Parnes of the Osborn-Parnes CPS method from 50 years ago, which launched the world-wide creativity movement, included our Image Streaming — with our blessing, of course — as a major procedure in his great book: Visionizing: State-of-the-Art Techniques for Encouraging Innovative Excellence (Buffalo, NY: Creative Education Foundation, 1988).
Parnes also included another part of our work — an article from the Journal of Creative Behavior titled “Creative Creativity,” which included an early version of our Beachhead invention- and discovery-making procedure — in another great book of his, Source Book for Creative Problem-Solving — A Fifty-Year Digest of Proven Innovative Processes (Creative Education Foundation, 1992).
Chris Brewer and Don G. Campbell: Rhythms of Learning: Creative Tools for Lifelong Learning. Tucson, AZ: Zephyr Press, 1991.
Chris Brewer: Freedom to Fly: 101 Activities for Building Self-Worth. Tucson, AZ: Zephyr Press, 1993.
Paul Scheele‘s PhotoReading program at Learning Strategies.com. Paul Scheele and I have since teamed up to create the best-selling course on CD and audio tape, The Genius Code.
Lynn Schroeder and Sheila Ostrander wrote extensively on various aspects of Win Wenger’s work in their three “Super” books: Superlearning and Supermemory, and most notably in Superlearning 2000 (NY: Delacourte Press).
Richard Ross, in his website, Emotional Freedom, has featured Win’s breathing techniques for feeling better instantly. Ross does healing and consulting by telephone.
Michael Gelb included some of our work in his bestseller, Discover Your Genius: How To Think Like History’s Ten Most Revolutionary Minds (NY: Harper Collins). Michael’s latest blockbuster book, written with Sarah Miller Caldicott, is Innovate Like Edison—The Success Story of America’s Greatest Inventor (Penguin Group, Dutton, 2007). Therein, Michael includes detailed instructions for our signature process, Image Streaming.
Also, but with uncharacteristic oversight of one very key understanding, Joe Vitale in one of his otherwise excellent, insightful and high-caliber books on emarketing.
Cecil McGregor, on his website features an article combining NLP’s presuppositional technique with Image Streaming, to very good effect.
Online Interviews and Citations
Much time has passed and a lot of these links a no longer active. We’ve left them in “Wayback Machine” format hoping to catch the archived content.
- “Increasing Awareness and Intelligence–An Interview with Win Wenger, Ph.D.” —interview by Larry Trivieri, Jr., Health on the Edge: Visionary Views of Healing in the New Millenium, Tarcher, 2003
- “How to Increase Your Intelligence”—report by Frederick Mann, dedicated to Win Wenger.
- “Increasing Awareness & Intelligence: An Interview with Win Wenger, PhD” (Part 2)—interview by Larry Trivieri, Jr., in The Health Plus Letter, December 8, 2009 Vol. 7, No. 28.
- Mind Place includes Win Wenger on its faculty for enabling techniques for deep-mind access and relaxation.
- Freenoting—Increase Your Brainpower, posting on Helium site by Edee, March 6, 2008, quoting Win Wenger’s description of this technique.
- Hypnothoughts forum includes comment by Ian Collins praising Win Wenger and ImageStreaming, December 23, 2010.
- “Figuring Situations Out” blog entry by Kaye Lee on Kaye’s Universe, March 23, 2011, is a response to Win Wenger’s call for papers for Double Festival 2011.
- “Beyond 20-20” by Pauline Johnson, M.S., in The Monroe Institute’s journal, Winter 1989.
- Richard G. Benefield, Ph.D., in his online thesis, Laws of Psychology, 1999, quotes profusely from Win Wenger’s writings.
- “How to Write Your Way to Achieving Your Goals” by Royane Real, posted April 13, 2010, on the SelfGrowth site, references Win Wenger’s techniques for improving intelligence and achieving goals.