Win wrote a number of essays that were not included in any particular section of his website. They are collected here.
- The State of Today’s Culture
Current regards on building brains and improving human intelligence.
- The Future of Education
A list of major articles exploring alternative educational models based on Socratic and Einsteinian principles.
- The Shape of Things to Come
An essay on the future of education.
- December Sun
A short poem by Win written circa 1980.
- Socratic Method’s Effectiveness
Students become empowered to reach their highest potential. Teachers become empowered to work the Socratic Method’s effect in the classroom…and reduce their workload at the same time.
- The Art and Science of Hosting Conferences
Formats that multiply the values gained
- Special Word to Everyone Who Seeks to Improve the Schools
Current regards on building brains and improving human intelligence
- Little & Large Interventions in Patterns of Human Society
A paper presented by Dr. Wenger at the 1992 annual conference of the International Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations
- An Idiosyncratic General Theory of Systems
Whether in physics, biology or social phenomena, there are only so many general types of strategy by means of which interactors and interaction-patterns or systems can seek to avoid having to return their elements to the soup.