How to gain fresh empirical observations of your own
by Win Wenger, Ph.D.
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What if Telomerase had been discovered 20 years ago??
It could have been then! We were looking right at it without realizing it. At the time those observing this one frame didn’t know enough organic chemistry to understand all of what they were seeing. If a team of appropriate specialists had been assembled at that time to the process by means of which it was observed, the breakthrough discovery and so much more could have been made then.
And so much more still can be. It is still there, as observed dozens of times by various lay observers in this one set of productive experiences: an array of surprising principles (see below), processes and equipment, one of whose main apparent functions is to perfuse telomerase into the cells of nearly every tissue and organ, however various, of the human body.
That one experience is but one of many such which result from use of just one of the procedures self-taught in the book, Discovering the Obvious: Techniques of Original, Inspired Scientific Discovery, Technical Invention, and Innovation. There are quite a few other breakthrough-making procedures as well in just this one book for anyone to use, lay or professional, not only in scientific research but in other areas of professional and personal life. Several of them are summarized online in the CPS Techniques section.
Beyond Telomerase
More generally, we set forth below six areas which were drawn from those self-taught procedures. These are six distinct areas for potentially major life-saving breakthroughs in medical research, just one area of science upon which each of these procedures can be so productively engaged:
- Use differential external air pressures, contained by gasketed chambers, around different parts of the body, to surge internal circulation back and forth between them, as part of a treatment for diseased organs and limbs suffering from poor circulation. (Also use such increased ambient pressure to reduce swelling and inflammation.) This internal washing, by surging circulation back and forth, engages to advantage the body’s natural, intrinsic healing and restorative systems.
- The use of ambient electrostatic charge to modify chemical (including medical), biochemical and neurochemical processes and products. Electroplating has been in use since 1,000 B.C.; one of our oldest high school science lessons is that chemistry and electricity are essentially the same thing, the transfer of electrons (so that changing a field or electrical environment changes the process). Yet unaccountably, until now no one has apparently addressed the effects of changes in ambient electrostatic charge, certainly not in vitro. Little if any respected research has been performed in such matters in vivo.
- A range of factors is indicated here: factors using effects of sound and mechanical vibration to focus boosted circulation, and to focus specific chemical, mechanical, nutrient or detoxification effects, in specific organs, tissues and regions of the physical body. We understand that a little work is currently being done with a few of the effects of sound, but no serious medical research or scientific biological research.
- The simple fact that under two or three atmospheres of ambient pressure a la bathyspheric chamber, chemicals (medicines, nutrients, biochemicals, detoxification effects) permeate differently across cellular membranes and osmotic slopes. Just this one consideration alone makes this line a prime candidate for investigation for possible use with every existing medical, nutritional, detoxification and biologic treatment now in use, while suggesting an equal range of new possibly efficacious treatments not now used or contemplated.
- Much has been said about systems and health, but almost no serious work has been done with the organic human system as a true system. Yet from just this one same single application session with a form of the Beachhead experience as published in Discovering the Obvious (also available online for free download), it is very clear that various major new avenues of biological and medical breakthrough research can be defined in terms simply of selectively stabilizing and de-stabilizing various biologic and organismic systems and subsystems.
- What could be done were one to take samples of one’s own (or some person’s) stem cells, grow and multiply them in vitro without genetic modification, and hyperperfuse them into that person’s every organ and tissue? The old organs and tissues would still be there as templates, but as the fresher cells replaced the withering-away older ones, the quality of all biologic functions should improve. This cannot by itself be a total answer for indefinite life extension, as the shortened telomeres or gene-links of Dolly’s clones show, but likely a qualitative improvement good for some decades. By then, maybe we’ll also have found how to relengthen those links — and better ways to live that extended life. This treatment should not cause cancer despite the slight disequilibriation that might occur, since the person would be moved toward a “higher fidelity” throughout the body, as well as an improved immune system. Note: As mentioned at the start of this brief, with telomerase we now know already how to restore and relengthen those genelinks — in vitro at least — and that may prove to be nearly all that we need.
Some additional effects are also pointed to by just one session experience. You can view that context for yourself and observe your own effects, or you can address areas of your own scientific or medical investigation and find results just as productive of new insights.
Whether in science, or design, or in professional life and career work, or in personal life, breakthroughs come from paying attention to what you actually observe instead of just to what you expect to see, especially when that doesn’t fit with what “everyone knows.” Nearly all the greatest discoveries are obvious in retrospect.
With the techniques in Discovering the Obvious helping you to pay better attention to what you actually perceive happening, you can be first, getting to those answers in prespect. There is lots of room left for original discovering, in this remarkable universe we live in, in all fields and in that majority of fields which haven’t even been invented yet.
Please note: there is still no substitute for exhaustive systematic testing of a hypothesis once it is generated, to the extent that it is important, no matter how self-evident it may seem.
A further cautionary note is that special care has to be exerted when your research results come up with effects different from those which were expected by your funding source — that may be the main factor currently corrupting science. A little good sense can go a long way in such matters, and the procedures for the Win-Win Finder, also found both online and in Discovering the Obvious, can help you chart a path for success and acceptance of your breakthrough(s) once made.
The gamut of problem-solving procedures published in this book can give you the means to become immediately far more effective, and to break through present and future barriers. You can, indeed, always go back to what you were doing before, or you can step forward beginning today, and make some fresh empirical observations of your own.
To order your own personal copy of Discovering the Obvious, click here.